Honouring God, encouraging faith in Christ and serving our community.

Hello everyone!

Junior church is on every Sundays, it runs along side the 10:30am morning service. Families start off in church together and then the children come into junior church at about 10:45am-11:45am.

Junior church is normally split into two or three groups, depending on numbers, the younger group runs from age 3-6 then 7-11 and 11-16 years old. We are always flexible in putting children in the most appropriate group for them.

What to expect: Bible themed games, crafts, prayer and fun worship songs followed by refreshments.

All the leaders of Junior church have the appropriate DBS checks and there will always be at least two leaders on duty at any time.

A parental consent form must be completed.

Parents with children under 3years can watch the service via video link in the crèche

This term we are looking at Abraham

You can find lesson plans, crafts and activities, on the link below if you would like to join in at home.


Special thanks to TruewayKids.com

Our latest videos

Leicester Outdoor Pursuits Centre.
Mother's Day
The Easter Story - Part 2
The Easter Story - Part 1
Jesus calms the storm.
Jesus first miracle
Jesus chooses his disciples
Jesus’s baptism

More videos

Family Church
Lockdown Junior Church

Join in the fun!

We hope you will enjoy the new materials we are trialing this term. We are constantly trying to come up with new ideas, so please do let us know your thoughts, send in any pictures and if you would like to get involved, by doing a reading or leading us in worship or anything else. Please let us know, we would love you to get involved. We also hope to do an Easter musical “The Three Trees” by out of the ark. We will be sending out scripts in February along with all our other Easter activities. And for you older ones 12+ we are hoping to run an online youth alpha, so look out for more information coming soon!

Would you like to be involved in our virtual easter musical? Email Maz at marianne_birtwistle@sky.com and I’ll send you out all the information and try to include you.

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